Sew Frou Frou Quilter

Spreading warm wishes one quilt at a time…

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Double Digits

made by my mom

made by my mom

So let me start out and say that I did not make this pillow.  It was made by my mom.  She made it for my son’s birthday yesterday.  Isn’t it awesome!  Mr. H loves it, he’s been carrying it from room to room to use ever since.  He did have one criticism about the pillow–it has 2 football players that are Tom Brady on it.  (My son is a huge Peyton Manning fan).  I wouldn’t have known so I know my mom didn’t know–they just look like generic football players to me.   So, you are all forewarned–if making a pillow for your little or big football player–take note of the players you are fussy cutting from the fabric.

the back of the pillow

the back of the pillow

So today Mr. H turned 10.  It’s hard to believe that my little cutie boy isn’t a baby anymore (although he’ll always be my baby as long as I’m alive).  He’s my favorite boy of fall.

Mr H at his game-they won!

Mr H at his game-they won!


I’m just giddy with this idea

Last week on IG (note that I’ve now become completely addicted to Instagram), I saw a teaser for making your own text fabric by Latifah of the Quilt Engineer blog.  My first thought was “cool, I don’t have to search all over for the perfect text print”.  But this weekend, I had one of those lightbulb moments that well, just made me giddy.  It’s what I love about quilting–that feeling that you have just come up with the most amazing idea. Do you feel that way too?

My idea involves Lil Bee.

Her eyes light up over paint.

Her eyes light up over paint.

She loves to make art and she does so in large doses.  Note the 6 paintings above that were done in probably 30 minutes.  I love that she wants to create things-it makes my heart warm and fuzzy.  That being said, I’m constantly finding art littered all over the house.  A few weeks ago, I finally convinced her that we couldn’t keep it all (I know, I felt like the biggest ogre but I honestly don’t want to be on a episode of hoarders a couple years from now).  So we went through and picked her favorites that we would definitely keep and hang up in the toy room like

She put this one in the school art show--it's called Crazy...

She put this one in the school art show–it’s called Crazy…

The rest we took pictures of so that we could burn them to a CD or perhaps make a book on Shutterfly.

So anyways, I so want to encourage her creativity and nurture her interest in all crafts.  She so wants to be involved in my quilting/sewing and Latifah’s idea of making your own text fabric got me to thinking.  I could have Bee draw her own pictures on fabric with fabric paint/fabric markers and we could work together to sash all her masterpieces into quilts and give them as gifts to her grandmothers for Christmas.  Heck, it doesn’t even have to be an entire quilt, we could make coasters, hot pads, or placemats with her artwork.  I’m really excited about this idea and so is Bee.  I think it will be a great way to ease her into sewing.

So what do you think?  Stay tuned to see how this works.